The Local Authorities (Capital Finance and Accounting) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2018 (SI 2018/325 (W.61)) amend the Local Authorities (Capital Finance and Accounting) (Wales) Regulations 2003 by: introducing new definitions of “securitisation transaction” and “money market fund”; providing that a securitisation transaction must be treated as a “credit arrangement” for the purposes of the Local Government Act 2003 s.7; making a substitution to provide for the calculation of the cost of a securitisation transaction; replacing the term “fixed asset” with the current terminology in local government accounting practice; making it clear that sums received by the local authority in respect of the redemption of a bond on its maturity, or disposal of a bond, must not be treated as a capital receipts, unless the bond was acquired before 1 April 2018 and the expenditure on acquisition was treated as “capital expenditure”; inserting a new reg.8A which provides that the value of any consideration received as a result of a securitisation transaction by a local authority must be treated as a capital receipt; removing the requirement that only capital receipts received in respect of a disposal of an interest in land other than housing land may be used to meet the costs of, or incidental to, the disposal, provided such costs do not exceed 4% of the capital receipt arising from the disposal; removing the requirement for expenditure by local authorities on the acquisition of loan capital to be treated as “capital expenditure”; extends the ability of local authorities to defer charging liabilities for back pay due to equal pay claims to revenue account until the date on which the local authority must pay that back-payment; and removing the reference to one of the documents identified as constituting “proper practices” for the purposes of the Local Government Act 2003 s.21.
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