Statutory Guidance (3rd Edition) on Local Government Investments, under Section 15(1)(a) of the Local Government Act 2003, and effective for financial years commencing on or after 1 April 2018, has been published on 2 February 2018. Also on 2 February 2018, Statutory Guidance (4th Edition) on Minimum Revenue Provision has been issued, under Section 21(1A) of the 2003 Act. Both were preceded by consultation on proposed changes and are accompanied by a summary of consultation responses and the Government’s responses to those responses. This document states:-
“Following consideration of the consultation responses the Government, in summary, intends to:
- make some technical changes to the Investments Guidance and the MRP Guidance reflecting respondents’ feedback;
- amend proposals related to the Useful Economic Lives of assets;
- implement the Investments Guidance for 2018-19, but allow flexibility on when the additional disclosure first needs to be presented to full Council or its equivalent; and
- defer implementation of MRP Guidance to 2019-20. This is in recognition of the fact that it is very late in the 2018-19 budget setting cycle.”