August 2nd, 2024 by lawrence in Housing

CURD v LIVERPOOL CITY COUNCIL (2024) UKUT 218 (LC) concerned an Improvement Notice served under Section 12 of the Housing Act 2004. It is held that the FTT can vary an Improvement Notice only if it satisfied that a hazard exists. It cannot substitute a requirement for further investigation on the question of hazard in place of a requirement for specified remedial work.



June 28th, 2023 by lawrence in Land, Goods and Services

In RUSHMER v CENTRAL BEDFORDSHIRE COUNCIL (2023) EWHC 1341 (Ch) the Council was responsible, under the Commons Registration Act 1965 ( the 1965 Act ), for maintaining a Common Land Register for its area. The High Court made declarations as to the reliability of a photocopy Register entry and which map was the one adopted for the Register. The Court did not have power to correct or clarify the Register, but it did have power, outside administrative law processes, to identify the Register and restore to the public record the true decision that the commons registration authority had made. This was in order to provide certainty and was not prevented by Section 10 of the 1965 Act.